Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Turk's Cap

Common Names: Turk's cap, sleepy mallow, sleeping hibiscus, wax mallow, cardinal's hat, turk's turban, ladies teardrop, scotchman's purse
Latin Names: Malvaviscus arboreus
Type: Shrub
Origin: Native

Edible: Flowers and young leaves are edible cooked or raw. The fruit can make jelly. The fruit and flowers can make herbal teas. The flowers can make a lemonade-type drink.
   --> Flowers are sweet tasting and excellent. Blooms May-August.

Notes: Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds. The flowers never fully open. In the hibiscus family. Grew fast from a section of a neighbor's plant.

Turk's cap (June)
Turk's cap (May - Year 2)

Turk's cap (May)
Turk's cap (July)

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