Friday, May 24, 2019


Common Names: Fireweed, American burnweed, pilewort, goat's chicory, stickers, sun's ribs, dog weed
Latin Names: Erechtites hieraciifolius
Type: Herbaceous
Origin: Native

Edible: Young leaves can be eaten raw. Older leaves and stems can be cooked. Said to be a smelly plant with a strong flavor. Best to cook it and mix it with other food (stir fry, soup, chutney versus a salad.
--> Tried raw leaves in both April and July and was pretty bad. I'll have to try cooking it with other foods. The plant doesn't seem as smelly as sources report.

Other uses: Native Americans used as a medicine.

Notes: Plant grows to 5' tall. Seems to go directly to seed in July. Pollinated by wasps.

Fireweed (April)
Fireweed (May)

Fireweed (May)

Fireweed (May)

Fireweed (May)

Fireweed (July)

Fireweed (July)

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