Friday, May 24, 2019


Common Names: Saw greenbrier, zarzaparrilla, catbrier, bullbrier, chinabrier, tramp's trouble
Latin Names: Smilax bona-nox; could possibly be Smilax glauca or one of the other smilax's
Type: Vine
Origin: Native

Edible: The root can be dried and ground to make a gelatin / thickener. Young shoots can be eaten raw or cooked. The tips are edible cooked like asparagus. The recommendation is to eat the end where it can be easily snapped off. Roots can be used in soups. Berries can be eaten raw or cooked.

Other uses: Leaves and roots have medicinal uses.

Notes: One of the vines that is trying to take over the edge of the woods. Have not seen any berries yet. Not sure if this is the right species (bona-nox) since there are lots of varieties. May also be several different varieties within these pictures since the shapes and coloring vary.

Greenbrier (May)
Greenbrier (May)

Greenbrier (July)
Greenbrier (July)

Greenbrier (July)
Greenbrier (May)

Greenbrier (July)

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