Friday, May 24, 2019


Common Names: Mimosa tree, silk tree
Latin Names: Albizia julibrissin
Type: Tree
Origin: China, invasive in Florida.

Edible: Flowers can be cooked as a vegetable (maybe raw?). Leaves used in a tea or a potherb with young leaves preferred as a potherb.

Other uses: Bark, leaves, and flowers of some species are used medicinally.

Notes: Attracts butterflies. Every night the leaves fold up. They also slowly fold when touched or shaken.

Mimosa (May)

Mimosa (June) - Grows fast!

Mimosa (June) - small trees everywhere, it is invasive!
Mimosa (May)

Mimosa (June) - Open during the day.

Mimosa (June) - Closed in the evening/night.

Mimosa (June) - Closed in the evening/night.
Mimosa (April) - Even the small ones close up at night.
Mimosa (May) - partially closed for the night

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