Friday, May 24, 2019

Loblolly Pine

Common Names: Loblolly pine
Latin Names: Pinus taeda
Type: Tree
Origin: Native

Edible: Needles can make a tea and considered high in vitamin C. Comment made online is that pregnant women should not use this tea. The needles need to be chopped small and the water should be hot, not boiling. Seedlings can be added to a salad.

Other uses: Sap is considered antifungal & antibacterial. Whole trees are logged and used for wood, mulch, and turpentine. Sap was used as a glue.

Notes: Southern yellow pine

Loblolly pine (May)

Loblolly pine (May)

Loblolly pine (June)
Loblolly pine (June)

Loblolly pine (April)

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