Friday, May 24, 2019

Chinese Tallow

Common Names: Chinese tallow, Chinese tallowtree, Florida aspen, chicken tree, gray popcorn tree, candleberry tree
Latin Names: Triadica sebifera
Type: Tree
Origin: East Asia - considered invasive in Florida

Edible: No. Seed kernel oil is toxic.

Uses: Outside wax on the seeds is used to make candles and soaps. Leaves used to treat boils or used in a dye. Plant is used in making biodiesel. Nectar is good for bees. Wood can be burned.

Notes: Sap and leaves may be toxic and cause severe irritation to the skin.

Chinese tallow (May)
Chinese tallow - bark (May)
Chinese tallow (April)

Chinese tallow (May)
Chinese tallow (May)

Chinese tallow (June)

Chinese tallow (June)

Chinese tallow (October)

Chinese tallow (November)

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