Monday, May 27, 2019


Common Names: Honeysuckle
Latin Names: Lonicera japonica
Type: Vine
Origin: Eastern asia - invasive plant and can kill a tree with these vines

Edible: Flowers are edible raw or cooked. The nectar in the flower can be sucked out for a sweet taste. Young leaves can be eaten after cooking (some sources say one should change the water during the process). Leaves and flowers can make a tea.

Other uses: Vine can be used as a twine, fiber or for baskets. Flowers and dried leaves used in Chinese medicine.

Notes: One of the vines trying to take over the edge of the woods. Hummingbirds are attracted to the flowers.

Honeysuckle (May)
Honeysuckle - flower (May)

Honeysuckle (May)

Honeysuckle - flower (May)

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