Friday, May 24, 2019

Wild Black Cherry

Common Names: Wild black cherry, black cherry, rum cherry, mountain black cherry
Latin Names: Prunus serotina
Type: Tree
Origin: Native

Edible: Fruit is edible raw but is said to be bitter and must be pitted. The fruit can be cooked for jam and jelly. It is said the bark can be used as a spice and/or to smoke meat or fish, and to flavor teas but no confirmation on that. Other than the fruit, the plant (leaves, stems, and pits) is considered highly toxic.

Other uses: Birds and deer like the fruit. Some sites say that the leaves can be poisonous to livestock. Wood is used for furniture. Inner bark can make a cough syrup. Attracts birds and butterflies.

Notes: Have only seen a few fruit. There wasn't much fruit to it, mostly a seed. Located along a tree line near the pond.

Wild black cherry (May)

Wild black cherry (May)

Wild black cherry (April)

Wild black cherry (April)

Wild black cherry - unripe (May)
Wild black cherry (June)

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