Friday, May 24, 2019

Grapevine ?

Common Names: Grapevine
Latin Names: Vitis riparia or vitis vinifera or muscadine grape (Vitis rotundifolia)
Type: Vine
Origin: Native

Edible: Fruit is edible raw, as a juice, or a jam. The leaves can be eaten as a salad or a potherb. Grape leaves (young leaves preferred) can be used in Greek cooking to wrap rice, etc. Young tendrils are edible raw or cooked. Grape seeds can make an oil.

Other uses: Leaves can make a dye (yellow).

Notes: One of the vines that is trying to take over the edge of the woods. Unknown type until I see some fruit.

Grapevine (May)
Grapevine (May)

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