Friday, May 24, 2019


Common Names: Magnolia, southern magnolia, bull bay
Latin Names: Magnoliodeaea grandiflora
Type: Tree
Origin: Native

Edible: Flower petals are edible but very strong tasting. People pickle them. The leaf can be used like bay leaves as a flavoring or as a tea.

Other uses: Wood is moderately hard and heavy and is used in furniture, pallets, veneer, etc. Animals eat the seeds, leaves, fruit, and twigs. Apparently beavers like the roots of the tree and they were used as bait by trappers.

Notes: Ancient genus. Lots of these in our woods. Some are quite big while others are being overtaken by vines. Only two trees had flowers and then only two blooms each.

Magnolia (June)
Magnolia (May)

Magnolia (May)

Magnolia (May)
Magnolia seed pod (April)
Magnolia flower (May)

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