Friday, May 24, 2019

Red Maple

Common Names: Red maple, swamp maple, water maple, soft maple
Latin Names: Acer rubrum
Type: Tree
Origin: Native

Edible: Maple syrup can be made from the tree but must be tapped very early before the buds come out. The sugar maples is a better source than red maple. Inner bark can be dried, ground, and then used as a thickener. The inner bark can also be eaten raw, boiled, or roasted. Young leaves can be eaten raw or cooked.

The seeds can be boiled and eaten hot or roasted. The wings must be removed first. Sometimes it can be bitter, so they have to be leached like an acorn (soak in several changes of cold water or boiled changing the water). Dried seeds can be ground to make a flour.

Other uses: Wood is used for furniture and is less expensive than sugar maple because it is softer. The inner bark is used as a dye. The bark can be used for medicinal purposes.

Red maple (May)
Red maple (May)

Red maple  - leaves (May)

Red maple - trunk (June)

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