Tuesday, October 12, 2021


Common Names: Tall boneset , Tall thoroughwort

Latin Names: Eupatorium altissimum


Common Names: White boneset, Late boneset, Late-flowering boneset, Lateflowering thoroughwort

Latin Names: Eupatorium serotinum


Common Names: Pine barren thoroughwort – Probably not this one since it is very rare.

Latin Names: Eupatorium resinosum


Type: Herbaceous
Origin: Native

Description: The plant grows up to 6’ (depending on species). It branches off near the top of the plant. Leaves are small and opposite. Flowers are small and white and form in a cluster.

Edible: No. Poisonous to humans and livestock.

Other uses: There are references to using this to help with gout but it can cause liver damage or death. Attracts bees.

Notes: In the wet field in back and are 2-3’ tall. Blooms September. Haven’t figured out the species yet. From online: “Comments: The delicate flowers of Late Boneset closely resemble the flowers of other Bonesets, such as Eupatorium altissimum (Tall Boneset) and Eupatorium perfoliatum (Common Boneset), in both color and structure. These Bonesets can be distinguished readily from each other by an examination and comparison of their leaves. Tall Boneset has leaves that are pubescent, more narrow, and less coarsely serrated than Late Boneset, while Common Boneset has leaves that wrap around the stem and are without petioles.”

Boneset (September)

Boneset (September)

Boneset (September)

Boneset (September)

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