Friday, May 22, 2020

Brazil Pusley

Common Names: Brazil pusley, tropical Mexican clover, Brazilian calla-lily, white-eye
Latin Names: Richardia brasiliensis 

Could be Richardia scabra which is native.

Type: Herbaceous
Origin: Native to Brazil. 

Description: Opposite leaves. Small starlike white flowers.

Richardia brasiliensis leaves are uniformly covered with hairs. Richardia scabra leaves are less hairy towards the middle. Need to confirm.

Edible: No. Not much info out there on this being edible with some varieties causing nausea, so I'm not trying it!
Other uses: Attracts butterflies and bees. Medicinal uses. Used as soil cover.
Notes: Found by the shop. There are some horror stories of this taking over lawns so I pulled up everything I could find though some came back.

 Brazil pusley (April)

 Brazil pusley  (April)

 Brazil pusley  (April)

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