Thursday, June 11, 2020

Orange Milkwort

Common Names: Orange milkwort, yellow milkwort, bog cheetos, candyweed, red-hot poker, bog bachelor button
Latin Names: Polygala lutea
Type: Herbaceous
Origin: Native

Description: The plant grows up to 12” tall. The leaves are around 1” long and thick. Flowers are orange and 0.5-1” long.

Edible: No info found. Perhaps a tea can be made from the leaves. A relative (polygala nana) has an edible root.

Other uses: Medicinal. Attracts butterflies.
Notes: In the wet field in back and typically found in wet sandy soil, bogs, and swamps. Blooms in June-July. Flowers turn yellow when dried. The Latin word luteus is a saffron-yellow or yellow/orange. Online says this is a biennial so that I shouldn’t see flowers the 2nd year. Found blooms the 2nd year but different plants in a slightly different location. However, it also says this is plant the likes fires it can only grow without competition. We’ve mowed this area and just now are letting it go natural so it may disappear over time.

Orange milkwort (June)

Orange milkwort (June)

Orange milkwort (June)

Orange milkwort (April)

Orange milkwort (April)

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