Saturday, July 27, 2019

Smooth Beggartick

Common Names: Smooth beggartick, burmarigold, smooth bidens, smooth bur marigold, Larger Bur Marigold
Latin Names: Bidens laevis

Type: Herbaceous
Origin: Native

Description: This plant can grow 8” to as much as 6’ tall. The leaves are opposite 1-6” long. The flower is yellow.

Edible: Young leaves, tops, and shoots are edible as a potherb. Young leaves can be eaten raw in a salad. Flowers can be eaten raw.
Other uses: Attracts bees and butterflies.

Notes: Grows in wet areas. Found along the pond. Blooms in May-August.


Smooth beggartick (July)

Smooth beggartick (April)

Smooth beggartick (May)

Smooth beggartick (October)

Smooth beggartick (October)

Smooth beggartick (October)

Smooth beggartick (October)

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