Saturday, July 27, 2019

Smooth Beggartick

Common Names: Smooth beggartick, burmarigold, smooth bidens, smooth bur marigold, Larger Bur Marigold
Latin Names: Bidens laevis

Type: Herbaceous
Origin: Native

Description: This plant can grow 8” to as much as 6’ tall. The leaves are opposite 1-6” long. The flower is yellow.

Edible: Young leaves, tops, and shoots are edible as a potherb. Young leaves can be eaten raw in a salad. Flowers can be eaten raw.
Other uses: Attracts bees and butterflies.

Notes: Grows in wet areas. Found along the pond. Blooms in May-August.


Smooth beggartick (July)

Smooth beggartick (April)

Smooth beggartick (May)

Smooth beggartick (October)

Smooth beggartick (October)

Smooth beggartick (October)

Smooth beggartick (October)

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Cedar ?

Common Names: Cedar, red cedareastern redcedar, Virginian juniper, eastern juniperred juniperpencil cedar, and aromatic cedar
Latin Names: Juniperus virginiana var. virginiana or Juniperus virginiana var. silicicola or Chamaecyparis thyoides
Type: Tree
Origin: x

Edible: x

Note: In tree line behind pond. There are a couple small trees there but only about 5-6' tall. Some type of conifer. Could be eastern red cedar (app says this) or southern white cedar but need to wait until there is some sort of berry.

Cedar (July)

Cedar (July)


Common Names: Spurge, prostrate spurge, spotted spurge
Latin Names: Euphorbia maculate 
Type: Herbaceous
Origin: Native

Edible: No. Sap is poisonous and will irritate the skin.

Note: "The leaves of spotted spurge have a "spot" or line of maroon in the center of the leaf vein." but need to look closer for these yet or these might be a different variety. Red stems. 

Tuesday, July 2, 2019


Common Names: Waxberry, bayberry
Latin Names: myrica ?
Type: Tree
Origin: Native

Edible: Fruit is supposed to be edible but unsure of exact species.

Could be:
Myrica cerifera is a small evergreen tree or large shrub native to North and Central America and the Caribbean. Its common names include southern wax myrtlesouthern bayberrycandleberrybayberry tree, and tallow shrub. It sees uses both in the garden and for candlemaking, as well as a medicinal plant.

Waxberry (May)
Waxberry (May) - small tree

Waxberry (July)